Nurturing Connections and Creating a Supportive Network for Therapists to Flourish

Networking and Referral Sources for Therapists in Chapel Hill, NC and across the Triangle

  • Working within the field of mental health can sometimes feel extremely isolating

  • The contrast between daily interactions with clients and the limited understanding of this work by family and friends can result in a feeling of disconnect

  • Navigating the seemingly unlimited resources, trainings, and therapeutic approaches can be overwhelming, leaving one unsure of where to begin

That is what led me to create the Therapist Networking and Referral Section. This space is created for therapists to expand their professional network and referral opportunities. Share your expertise, specialized areas, and contact information to get connected with other therapists. Once you submit your information, you’ll be granted access to a comprehensive list of therapists for initiating connections and sharing resources. You're also welcome to subscribe to the newsletter to receive quarterly updates from Root Wellness Counseling.

In addition, you can also keep an eye out for upcoming Cafe and Connect gatherings, a chance for therapists to turn virtual interactions into tangible friendships and networking opportunities. At these meet ups you’ll be able to build connections, share resources, enjoy a coffee or tea, and network with other clinicians at a nearby cafe. Looking forward to connecting with you!

stay connected